28 Questions with Edward Estipona

28 Questions with Edward Estipona

Ahh 28. We're supposed to be well into adulting by now, but still youthful and optimistic. Are we?

As Estipona Group celebrates its 28th anniversary this month, we sat down with agency founder and president, Edward Estipona, to get the scoop from the corner office (and by corner office, we of course mean the corner of the great room next to the treadmill). We asked Ed 28 questions that get at the heart of his approach to business, then hit record. 

We hope you enjoy this peek behind the curtain of EG and the man who's kept this bouncing baby alive and growing for 28 years.

1. What is your earliest memory of working in this business?

2. Are you more afraid of success or failure?

3. How do you describe your role at EG to people you meet?

4. What is your favorite food that is “bad” for you?

5. Do you think the image you have of yourself matches the image people have of you?

6. What is your favorite thing about EG?

7. What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured?

8. What did you wear to your first client meeting?

9. What do you see for this agency in the next 28 years?

10. Do you have a favorite client of all time?

11. Define your perfect day?

12. What is the hardest part of your job?

13. If you could know the absolute truth to one question, what question would you ask?

14. How does it feel to have a 28-year-old company?

15. What do you look for in a team member?

16. Assume you could be talented enough to be a professional athlete — which sport would you choose?

17. What was the very first thing you got paid to do?

18. What was the best advice ever given to you?

19. What is the best advice you ever gave someone?

20. What would you name your boat if you had one?

21. If you could snap your fingers, what is one thing you would change at EG right now?

22. If you could do anything other than what you’re doing now, what would it be?

23. Do you believe in ghosts?

24. What’s the most useless talent you have?

25. What is the most valuable skill you bring to your job and to EG?

26. If you could change anything about EG’s early years, what would you change?

27. What does success mean to you?

28. Do you consider yourself successful?

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