Helping HOPES: Marketing a Small-Budget Client with a Big Mission

Helping HOPES: Marketing a Small-Budget Client with a Big Mission

One of the very first times the Estipona Group team sat down with Northern Nevada HOPES CEO Sharon Chamberlain, she said these words: 

“We SEE the patients, and we meet them where they are — free of judgment.” 

We knew in that moment that it was meant to be — we were their match made in marketing heaven. Over the years, the Estipona Group has developed a niche in supporting community and public health initiatives through advertising, public relations and marketing campaigns. 

Plus, we’re rather (read: SUPER) passionate about advocating for inclusion, acceptance and healthcare access for the underserved. 

Marketing with Smaller Budgets in Mind

With core values and philosophical inclinations clearly aligned, we were proud to be named the agency of record for HOPES. Throughout the year we have helped tell their story of caring for those in our community with the fewest resources and options — many of whom are living in crisis every day. Valuing and supporting community healthcare is always an important story to tell, but even more urgent during a global pandemic. We’ve eagerly tackled this challenge— always with their limited, community-health focused budget in mind. Screenshot of Hope Springs page
Here are just a few of the ways we’re supporting the vital work of HOPES.

Web Updates

The Estipona Group worked with HOPES on an audit of their website. Knowing they did not have the budget for an entire redesign, we assessed and then addressed their most important, timeliest goals: better understanding of HOPES wraparound-care model, streamlined donation process, reminders about their “no waitlist” pediatric appointment availability, and more information about the first-of-its-kind bridge housing community called Hope Springs

We were able to freshen up the entire site with a limited budget, without changing web platforms, by redesigning the home page, adding a pediatrics page and donor section and streamlining navigation.  

Hard Hat Video

During the height of the pandemic, HOPES leadership recognized the need to create a video that explains Hope Springs to potential donors. With social distancing the new normal for the foreseeable future, they asked us to tour their facility, capturing interviews with their team, as well as people who have benefited from the wraparound care provided by HOPES. They are using this video as a tool to help secure funds to complete the project, which is more than halfway funded. 

Screenshot of Hard Hat VideoUnfortunately (for this blog post, that is), this is an internal resource solely intended for their use; so you’ll just have to trust us that the finished product is powerful. Many have reported tears — and, we’re hoping, an inclination to donate!  

Hope Springs Campaign Marketing

We are currently working with the HOPES team on their capital campaign, developing creative ways to engage with large donors, and identifying messaging and promotion opportunities for the public to build support for this unique bridge-housing model. Pride Sticker for Northern Nevada HOPES

Pieces for Pride

As a reflection of their ongoing support of LGBTQIA+ populations and in recognition of Pride Month, we created a sticker that celebrates inclusion, acceptance and love. 

We also helped them develop an op-ed (from topic selection to pitching/securing coverage) that addressed pride in the context of access to healthcare for all. 

Editorial Calendar

With a team of communications professionals already onboard at HOPES, they asked us to help them craft an editorial calendar. This document provides an overview of topics, providing their internal team with timely and keyword-optimized topics for blogs and social media opportunities.

Looking to the Future of HOPES

Northern Nevada HOPES fulfills an important role in our community, always providing a safe and accepting place for all patients. And the Estipona Group looks forward to continuing to help spread the word. 

While some agencies may choose clients based on budget, the Estipona Group has found that partnerships with those whose values we align with is far more important and far more rewarding. So send us your budget and goals, and we’ll provide a plan to maximize your dollars. Especially if you’re nice people doing good things for our community — because that’s kind of our jam, too!   

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