Northern Nevada HOPES

Serving the most underserved among us

The challenge

When Northern Nevada HOPES first approached Estipona Group, they were looking for help to do more — more fundraising, more patient outreach, more effective brand storytelling. Like most non-profits, they operate with a small marketing budget, but there is nothing small about the mission of this Federally Qualified Health Center — to transform community healthcare to better serve the most underserved. We're here for it. 

Since 2019, we have provided HOPES' small in-house marketing team with a variety of marketing support, from creating their annual report and getting them earned media to running employee recruitment campaigns and social media outreach campaigns. Below is a snapshot of our work.  

2022 annual report cover showing doctor with young patient with headline "taking the lead in community health"
2022 annual report open to bridge housing page
2022 annual report open to gender and sexual health page
2022 annual report open to services page
2022 annual report open to statistics page
collateral in english and spanish about comprehensive services

Giving a beloved brand a strong voice

We have helped HOPES tell their story of caring for those in our community with the fewest resources and options — many of whom are living in crisis. Valuing and supporting community healthcare became particularly important during the global COVID-19 pandemic.

mockup of bridge housing landing page with program highlights

Marketing with a small budget in mind

Our work for HOPES included refreshing their website to improve the user experience and give it a whole new look on the existing programming platform to help manage their investment.

rack card focused on compassionate, gender affirming care
flyer for gender transition resources, support and health care
flyer focused on senior focused care
flyer featuring a family and list of comprehensive services
ads focused on compassionate care for LGBTQ+ and HIV exposure
2020 annual report cover page with headline: adaptation, innovation, compassion

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